Rewriting peace and conflict
The Virtual Encyclopaedia represents a compilation of theory and empirical research in peace and conflict studies from de- and postcolonial approaches, emphasising the contributions from the research network ‘Postcolonial hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies.’
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Call for Contributions
The research network “Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies” and the South-South program of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) called for the selection of five contributions for the Virtual Encyclopedia on Peace and Conflict Studies.
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"Decoloniality and decolonisation [...] scrutinise the contemporary forms of coloniality that exist in more visible settler colonial structures as well as the hidden and less visible forms of coloniality." (Durdiyeva 2023)
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Rewriting peace and conflict

While peace and conflict studies (PACS) is a burgeoning and diverse field, it still grapples with its colonial roots and trajectory. Postcolonial and decolonial approaches have pointed out that research and practice in PACS are based on West-driven epistemological and ontological grounds resulting from colonial structures of power that hinder and often misconstrue our understanding of peace, conflict, and violence and contribute to the reproduction of the structures sustaining different forms of violence. Dominant dynamics of knowledge production in the field have marginalized non-Western and indigenous epistemologies and worldviews. For a critical engagement that contests the effects of colonialism and coloniality of knowledge, scholars have emphasised the need to interrogate and problematise foundational concepts in the different disciplines of Social Sciences. Such endeavour also entails unsettling the patterns of (in)visibility by bringing the voices and different forms of knowledge of traditionally marginalised groups to the centre.

Against this background, the Virtual Encyclopaedia offers an interdisciplinary compilation of crucial theoretical and conceptual debates, empirical analyses, and thorough reflection on methods and knowledge production in the field from de- and postcolonial approaches, with an emphasis on the contributions from the collaborative network Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict. Rather than unambiguous and all-encompassing definitions, the Virtual Encyclopaedia aims to provide readers with the tools to critically approach peace and conflict studies through the lenses of postcolonial theory and decolonial thought.


Taking seriously the critique of the coloniality of knowledge and its effects on the field, the Virtual Encyclopedia aims to address epistemic hierarchies and inequalities by promoting the inclusion of multiple and diverse voices (in terms of fields, regions, and career stages) and plural perspectives, as well as fostering cooperative networks.


Classified into the two clusters ‘Theoretical and conceptual debates’ and ‘Methods, Knowledge production and dissemination’, the entries aim to provide an insight and orientation on key concepts and theories as well as empirical analyses which are important for a post-/decolonial perspective on peace and conflict. Each entry has a number of tags through which it is linked with other entries sharing those tags. The entries are  furthermore interconnected and draw from a diverse body of knowledges in dialogue including different formats such as audio, images or storytelling.


Sumak Kawsay

Nonviolent actions that promote new rights, question dominant discourses and practices of progress and development, challenge the coloniality of power, knowledge and being. These resistances, especially in defence of the rights of nature and communities, are not adequately integrated in studies of civil resistance. This text explores how good living or Sumak Kawsay in Ecuador contributes to nonviolent resistance, identifying points of encounter, divergence and complementarity between the two concepts and approaches to their practical orientation. It highlights the decolonial approach of Sumak Kawsay in the reclaiming of being, knowledge and power, and points out that its incorporation into studies of nonviolent resistance could generate a more inclusive and sensitive approach to the struggles of

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Security. Speaking with Fanon?

The anticolonial writer and psychiatrist Fanon became famous in the 1960s for his radical criticism of colonial racism and its influence on the colonized peoples. His descriptions of how colonialism destroys people not only physically but also mentally and emotionally have inspired many political movements and theoretical concepts to this day. His work highlights the enduring nature of colonial relations and the different ways in which (in)security and its protection is perceived differently depending on the very position in society. However, Fanon’s name also remains inextricably linked with his most controversial and uncompromising stance: his commitment to the right of colonized peoples to insecure others by the use of violence in their struggle for liberation.

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Terrorism – The irredeemability of a concept

“Terrorism” continues to dominate headlines, stirs a wide range of emotions in the general public, and the fear of it informs numerous domestic and foreign policies worldwide, many of which have cost countless and many more innocent lives than those acts of violence which have been labelled as “terrorism” in the first place. But what exactly is “terrorism” and should we care to locate or identify an accurate definition for it?

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