“We write the peace together”
Artwork: Des-tejiendoMiradas/(Un-) Stitching Gazes
A systematic method of organisation or ordering principle is a major element of any encyclopaedia. The Encyclopaedia encompasses multiple ways to classify information in order to facilitate navigability and searchability. The encyclopaedia’s entries are organised alphabetically. Additionally, they are also classified into two interrelated clusters.
The contributions to the Encyclopaedia are selected in collaboration of the contributing authors and the Project Team. The entry’s rationale and structure must follow a set of guidelines. A first draft of each entry is reviewed and commented on by members of the Postcolonial Hierachies in Peace and Conflict Network. Finally, the text is copy edited with the aim to allow for improved legibility and comprehensibility for readers beyond the realm of academia.
Academic community
The Encyclopaedia contributes a collection of theoretical and methodological debates and the breadth of empirical advancements. This work will serve as a guiding reference for scholars and students, at graduate and post-graduate levels, from the different disciplines of social sciences, with an emphasis on the field of peace and conflict studies.
Practitioners and policymakers
An exploration of practice in the field of peace and conflict studies is a central aim of the Virtual Encyclopaedia. The project strives to reach practitioners and policymakers to raise awareness of how knowledge and practices are entangled with the coloniality of power and often contribute to the perpetuation of inequalities and injustices underpinning the (re)production of violence.
Civil society organisations and activists
The Encyclopaedia recognises and includes different forms of knowledge and a plurality of voices beyond academia. Hence, the inclusion of activist and civil society organisations in the collaborative networks at the base of content production processes is crucial. Following the same rationale, these actors constitute one of the target audiences.
The network „Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict“ is a collaborative project of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (Freiburg), the Center for Conflict Studies at the Philipps University Marburg, the University of Bayreuth, and the University of Erfurt. It is an interdisciplinary research initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The network investigates how historically formed postcolonial hierarchies manifest themselves in contemporary conflict dynamics and what implications this has for sustainable conflict transformation in the future. To do so, the network brings together historical perspectives on the contexts of conflict formation (in particular those shaped by colonialism) with postcolonial research perspectives as well as with methodologies and theories of peace and conflict research.